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Wedding & Novelty Cakes made in Scotland

by Patricia Macgowan

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Are all cakes the same?

Are all cakes the same? Not as far as we have seen. From the initial free consultation through to using the finest ingredients, and giving our customers value for money.

Find out why we are confident that we are the best choice for your Scottish wedding cake

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Do you want your wedding cake to reflect your special day? We specialise in making individual, unique cakes that will be remembered for a lifetime.

Read my guide about what to look for in your cake when considering who to use for your special day

You will find it here >>

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Where our cakes are made

If you are getting married in Central Scotland, we are ideally placed for you at only a stone's throw from the Wallace Monument in Stirling.

We deliver all over Scotland, recent orders have been delivered to Perth, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Fife as well as locally.

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Were you delighted with your wedding cake?

If so, we would be grateful if you would nominate us for an award at Vows Awards. This annual event recognises the excellence of service given in the wedding industry.

If you feel we deserve a mention please click here to fill out a nomination form online
